Michael Hunter wrote (inter alia):
>... The scale of turbine visiblity dwarfs that of powerstations. ...
I make no comment on the desirability of windfarms vis-a-vis other forms of
power generation or vis-a-vis bird mortality [though, having flown in a
Microlite from an old WW2 airfield (Orton) next to a (very much newer)
windfarm near Carlisle in England, I must say that I was very seriously
hoping that the pilot didn't venture too near the windfarm in the (then of
more immediateconcern to me) interests of human mortality].
However, Michael, generalized statements like that above do not help an
Just come to South Australia and see how the Torrens Island power station is
visible (one might even say dominates the view) from high-ish ground across
so very much of Adelaide ...
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