I've been resisting the urge to wade into this because it seems
environmental opinion is nearing the realm of politics in terms of things
that shouldn't be discussed. To suggest that windfarms causing visual
pollution is a genuine reason to not put them up is short sighted at best.
EVERY form of energy generation currently available to us causes visual
pollution on some scale. It is completely unavoidable. Have you driven out
to the Capertee Valley? I propose that the Coal Fired plants and associated
mining in the area is 20-30 times worse than the visual pollution created by
the equivalent number of turbines. Any talk of potential wind turbine sights
being more sensitive is also nonsense; the land taken up in Lithgow for
example was probably very similar to the habitat in Capertee that most of us
hold so dearly. I could go on listing impacts of various technologies but
you get the drift.
Surely no one step could be labeled the 'answer to Global Warming', and it
is folly to think so. Clearly any step away from CO2 and general pollution
is a step in the right direction. Nuclear might tick the first box but fails
severely on the second count. We've been generating power using nuclear
technology since the 40's and 50's and waste output is not getting any
better. Windfarms are pretty easy to install, provide clean power and no
other pollutants, apart from those associated with their manufacture. Yes
they kill some birds, but that is a problem that can be solved. Current
research suggests positioning and lighting can decrease bird-strike deaths.
Again though, compare this number to the beating bird populations take when
you clear 25Ha for a new coal mine.
So yes, take 'an unblinkered look at other energy alternatives', but be sure
to get all the facts first. I suspect we'll be voting on these issues over
the next few elections, so it might be worth confirming where you stand.
And so back to birds. Saw my first Beautiful Firetail, Bristle Bird, White
Browed Scrub Wren, Top Knot Pigeon and Bassian Thrush on the weekend in a
day trip to Minnamurra and Barren Grounds with clan McKeough. What a
beautiful pair of National Parks, visionary work that I'm extremely thankful
On 4/10/06, michael hunter <> wrote:
> Windfarms are severe visual pollution, DO kill birds other than
> OBPs,
> and any reason to stop them going up is good news for the people who love
> unspoiled landscapes.
> If anyone out there really thinks that windfarms are the answer to
> Global Warming, do your sums, promote birth control, and have an
> unblinkered
> look at other energy alternatives.
> Cheers
> Michael
> Michael Hunter
> Mulgoa Valley
> 50km west of Sydney Harbour Bridge
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