Reid et al,
This morning while looking for the roost
of a Powerful Owl down here in Jervis Bay (NSW south coast), we were overflown
by a single Y-t Black Cockatoo. My son said that a single bird meant it was
going to rain. I asked him where he had learned that from and he said that the local
aboriginal kids had told him that. He goes to school with aboriginal children from
Wreck Bay. The sky certainly looks black out
there tonight.
[ On Behalf Of Reid
Sent: Saturday, 14 August 2004
11:02 AM
To: Glassco;
Subject: Re: [BIRDING-AUS] YT
Black cockatoos
Janet mentioned that
black coackatoos flocking might be a precursor indication of rain. Which
set me thinking. Does anyone else know of incidents (either fact or
fable) where birds, by their activities or behaviour, seem to provide an
advance indication/foreknowledge of coming physical events - rain,
thunderstorms, earthquakes, flood, locqust plague, etc, in advance of any
indications being obvious to humans?
And of course, there is
the ongoing problem of 'how do the waterbirds know that Lake
Eyre has been filled'.