My apologies, my broad description "rural" needs to be defined, yes the
Common Myna will be found anywhere where humans are resident, after all they
have a lot in common. But is there any observer out there that has seen the
Common Myna invade and reside in our reserves and what little "real" bush
that is left? Experience from other lands where the CM has become resident
show that they dont like the real bush very much, hence I am interested if
they will here, considering the paucity of predators.
It has been observed that most "native" holenesters will evict the CM's,
this is true in the case of the Dollarbird and Paradise Lorikeet, has anyone
witnessed the actual eviction of a "native" species by CM's, and which species?
A little change, I have had Apostlebirds and/or Grey-crowned Babblers
described as "Smelly" birds, can anyone throw some light on this, as the
description is from a non birder?
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