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Re: Continuous long tracks with Olympus LS11

Subject: Re: Continuous long tracks with Olympus LS11
From: "Peter Shute" pshute2
Date: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:16 am ((PDT))
I agree, but I suspect the proportion of the market who record long enough =
to have a problem with it is fairly small.

Perhaps a better place to deal with it is the processing software we use. R=
aven Pro will happily open multiple files and treat them as one. I think it=
 can even read segment start times encoded into the file names, so it can d=
eal with gaps too.

I'm not familiar with many audio programs. Are there others that can do tha=
t kind of thing?

Peter Shute

Sent from my iPad

On 24 Aug 2016, at 11:44 PM, <nrdavies.jim71=> [naturerecordists] <<nat=
>> wrote:

I know we are supposed to be delighted that there are far less time restric=
tions with solid state digital recorders, than tape,  but I find I struggle=
 to keep track of time, with the new medium. when making very long recordin=

I completely understand the backward compatibility thing and don't feel res=
tricted by auto-slicing necessity, but;

As long as there are obvious limits within the maximum file size per chunk,=
 I would find it far less confusing if I could set recorders ( they all see=
m to be the same )  to chop the chunks according to a pre selected TIME ! i=

I'd even be keen to try creating folders with lots of short evenly timed to=
 say 5 minutes or perhaps 20 minutes for all night long. If I could just "a=
dd-up" simple time units in my head, I could achieve something I could call=
 a workflow.

Of course, a golden rule, don't ever process a section in any way before as=
sembling all the sections you want. Especially don't try to  filter anythin=
g. The junction points will immediately become click and thump threats, if =
you do.

If the folks would make recorders ever read these messages, I want to make =
'Timed' sections the standard way I work. No recorder I've tried, and I've =
tried a lot of lower end ones, can do this. It doesn't seem like a hard thi=
ng to program the firmware to do.


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