In my opinion you should stick with the PMD-661 and the NT1A. The NT1As
will need a bit of extra work - you'll have to construct a stereo mounting
and a good windshield as they are very sensitive to wind noise - but for
recording general soundscapes they will deliver stereo imaging and low
self-noise way beyond the other options that have been suggested to you. I
suspect most retailers have very limited experience with nature recording
and soundscape recording in particular.
On 23 October 2013 15:13, <> wrote:
> **
> Hello again.
> I just got a call from another retailer and he recomended a NT4 for stere=
> recording, saying that the NT1-a probally wasnt the best choice for natur=
> recordings, due to the sensitivity and the short range of recording. Any
> thoughts?
> ---In <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I ordered a Marantz PMD 661 MKII the other day which I was going to use
> with two R=F6de NT1-a for recordings. Today I called a shop for opinions =
> they instead recomended a Zoom H6 and use the internal mic with a R=F6de
> NT55. I've done a lot of reading these past days and I'm not sure I will =
> happy with that set, though I have not seen many reviews or thougths abou=
> the Zoom H6.
> I have no experience at all with recording but I've found some great
> setups using the NT1-a. In time I will buy a Telinga mic for more direct
> sound but at the moment I want to record the nature as a whole.
> So, what do you think? Should I return the Marantz and replace it with H6
> using the NT55 or should I go for what I first was going to, the PMD 661
> with a pair of NT1-a?
> Thanks. Johan.