And as someone who hefted a twenty-pound Nagra IVs stereo open reel recorde=
r all over creation--along with a suitcase or two of tape for it--and somet=
imes with the extender motors for 10 inch reels--I feel blessed by things l=
ike the Sound Devices recorders, and the fact that I can fit dozens of hour=
s of uninterrupted recording on an SD or CF card, and can have instant back=
up by recording to both hard drive and card.
But I do miss the audio front end of the Nagra: good preamps, good faciliti=
es for tonal manipulation and peak limiting, and intuitive metering.
My first work with portable DAT was done with a little Technics SV-MD1 stra=
pped to the top of a Nagra so I could use the IVs as the audio front end fo=
r the DAT recording. It looked a bit like the Space Shuttle atop its 747 ca=
> b. Re: Avlex M-S mic
> Posted by: "Dan Dugan" dandugan_1999
> Date: Mon Nov 12, 2012 9:56 pm ((PST))
> Keith wrote,
>> Although my first recordings
>> go back to a Webcor wire recorder, it wasn't until half decent audio
>> interfaces for computers became affordable that I could get results that=
>> could stand, and thereafter develop more than a cursory interest in
>> recording.
> I volunteered as a technical mentor for the Nature Sounds Society for a l=
east a decade before I started recording for myself. Nagras too heavy, cass=
ettes not good enough. In 2001 when my concert-taper intern loaned me his S=
harp MD recorder, I started rolling and have been recording regularly since=
> -Dan