> How are your "sonels" measured? Is this a method of breaking up the
> image into discrete sections? I usually think of stereo image in
> terms such as polar pattern, vertical and horizontal and depth
> compressions, and rear to front folding. How would "sonels" be
> divided in such a scheme?
As stereo is an illusion, you are judging the quality of that
illusion - by ear. With a stereo image you should be able to resolve
that into distinct sound elements as with a group of individual birds
or with a moving object.
If you can point to individual sources in that image, a sonel count
gives you a measure of how well you can resolve that image, as with
pixels in a light image. If you can resolve different object sources
vertically, then you can give a vertical sonel count as well. With
depth, you are pushing the concept too far, as with an optical 3-D
image which stops at a 2-D pixel count.
As I said in my original explanation, a 3 sonel image is stereo but
poor, and a 9 sonel image is good going. With a "walkaround" test, you
can also see how even the stereo image is, and if the perceived sonels
are stretched or compressed, sonels give you a measure of that. If you
are using phase effects to get sound objects outside the loudspeaker
width, then that's extra sonels.
David Brinicombe
North Devon, UK
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce