Thanks, David. Now I understand a "sonel" is a section of area on the perce=
ived lateral plane of a stereo image as identified by a sound it confines? =
I think it is a neat idea as a way of studying or describing a stereo recor=
However, maybe not so good for describing a single microphone array. Since=
the count of sonels will change depending on content, counting of sonels u=
sed as a method to describe qualities of a microphone array would require s=
imultaneous recording/s from different array/s for comparison.
John Hartog
--- In "Avocet" <> wrote:
> > Let's say I have a recording of a bird that flies in one side and
> > out the other, and I can track the sound of wings in a continuous
> > path from one side to the other, how can I measure that in units of
> > "sonel?"
> John,
> With great difficulty, as it would be counting the pixels on a video
> of a bird flying. And you can't freeze frame with a sound recording.
> :-)
> David
> David Brinicombe
> North Devon, UK
> Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce