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Re: beginner needs help with recording

Subject: Re: beginner needs help with recording
From: "soundings23" soundings23
Date: Fri Jun 8, 2012 2:55 pm ((PDT))
Hi Diane ... I used that very mic for years, and do have some lovely record=
ings with it. It is a bit hissy though in quiet places ... funnily enough t=
here's a recording here I posted a few days ago from 2002 using just that m=

Trouble is, for individual birdsong, it's not directional enough. And as Da=
vid says, for that you need to spend a bit more money. For me, its the Senn=
heiser  ME66 with the battery powered K6 module. You also need a decent gri=
p and windshield - Rycote being the choice. On ebay, and a bit of hunting a=
round probably =C2=A3350-400 all in. I realise that's expensive - but the d=
ifference is remarkable. And unlike a lot of things nowadays, Sennheisers a=
re pretty solid. Here's a blackbird I recorded with this mic onto an Edirol=
 R-09 in April this year

The other thing to consider, if you're not doing it all the time, some comm=
unity arts groups may have kit to hire at quite reasonable rates - I'm curr=
ently borrowing a Rode NT4 stereo mic from our local group (http://www.aune=



--- In  "Avocet" <> wrote:
> > Do you think the batteries in the mic are contributing to the hiss?
> Diane,
> Probably not. Hiss in a mic is inversely proportional to the number of
> noughts in the price. :-)
> David
> David Brinicombe
> North Devon, UK
> Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce

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