B&H claim "an astonishing 40dB of attenuation" for the Sonys, but I think I've
only ever read of people saying the 280s have better isolation. This makes me
think that one or both are fiddling with the figures.
Peter Shute
On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Thursday, 10 May 2012 9:07 AM
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Re: Headphones
Hi Peter,
Both models you mention are decent choices for good quality, reasonable price,
and good isolation. I own and use both. I find that headphone preference is a
very personal choice so I'd say you need to try them out at a minimum. In my
personal experience:
(Couldn't find any specs on isolation)
Pros: More compact when folded
Cons: The on-ear design hurts the cartilage of my pinna with any extended use.
I think they are slightly more hyped "smily curve EQ'd" than the Sennheisers
(to my ears).
Product claim is up to 32 dB of ambient noise isolation
Pros: I think they are slightly more "flat" in response. I can wear them for
hours without problems.
Cons: The over-ear design makes them slightly more bulky.
Good luck!
--- In
Peter Shute <> wrote:
> There have been many threads about headphones here over the years, and
> searching through these tells me that Sony MDR7506s and Sennheiser HD280s
> seem very popular, almost a standard. Can anyone advise which of these will
> block out the noise best? Any other comments about either?
> Peter Shute