Hi Peter,
Both models you mention are decent choices for good quality, reasonable price,
and good isolation. I own and use both. I find that headphone preference is a
very personal choice so I'd say you need to try them out at a minimum. In my
personal experience:
(Couldn't find any specs on isolation)
Pros: More compact when folded
Cons: The on-ear design hurts the cartilage of my pinna with any extended use.
I think they are slightly more hyped "smily curve EQ'd" than the Sennheisers
(to my ears).
Product claim is up to 32 dB of ambient noise isolation
Pros: I think they are slightly more "flat" in response. I can wear them for
hours without problems.
Cons: The over-ear design makes them slightly more bulky.
Good luck!
--- In Peter Shute <> wrote:
> There have been many threads about headphones here over the years, and
> searching through these tells me that Sony MDR7506s and Sennheiser HD280s
> seem very popular, almost a standard. Can anyone advise which of these will
> block out the noise best? Any other comments about either?
> Peter Shute