> I was talking to a radio presenter the otherday who suggested I
> could convert my recordings from mono to sterio. Does the work well
> and is it easy to do?
In short no and no. When stereo first came out there was a rash of
discs "doctored for stereo", but this was music.
Methods include splitting the music up into frequency bands and
processing these for left and right, and adding stereo reverb. Adding
out of phase elements will also give a "space" effect which some
people mistake for stereo. It's like colouring up a monochrome photo -
it may be possible but is it valid?.
What you can never get from a mono recording is placement of wildlife
sounds like a group of birds, or to follow a bird's movement.
You can of course mix two or more recordings using panpots and create
a spread stereo image but that is really not what nature recording is
all about.
David Brinicombe
North Devon, UK
Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum - Ambrose Bierce