On Tue, 26 Oct 2010, Avocet wrote:
>> Has anyone had experiencies with filtering "hummm" noise with
>> programs
>> like spectrumlab, used by the VLF guys?
> Ricardo,
> Do you mean mains hum at 60 (or 50) cycles? This is often messy as it
> contains a string of harmonics. You can use a comb filter, which is a
> series of notch filters, or pick out the worst harmonics with a notch
> filter one at a time.
yes, but I know there are some better filters developed among the VLF
community, where this problem is serious. I've read lately the "Natural
Radio" book about it but haven't tried any of those strategies yet and was=
wondering if someone around here already had that experience.
many thanks for the input,
Ricardo Reis
'Non Serviam'
PhD candidate @ Lasef
Computational Fluid Dynamics, High Performance Computing, Turbulence
Cultural Instigator @ R=E1dio Zero
Keep them Flying! Ajude a/help Aero F=E9nix!
contacts: gtalk: skype: kyriusan
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