At 8:33 AM +0000 10/24/10, rdunn162 wrote:
>-- In
>"jtudor2005" <> wrote:
> >
>> Are you using a Mac or Windows machine????
>Thanks for the replies so far, I like the look of Reaper...
>I'm a windows based pc person (its the way I am!)
I used to teach regular, Intro to Audacity workshops, but today, I
would discourage people investing the time into learning
peculiarities of Audacity and make the $40 investment in Reaper
Advantages over Audacity:
* Realtime Plug Ins
* Quick cross-fading on the same track
* Full-featured Track and Plug-In Automation
* Editing sessions do not create additional bulky (non-universal
format) sound files
* Editing sessions restore reliably and can be easily ported to other
Mac or PC Platforms (crucial for sharing work in progress with other
folks or getting your work mastered for CD release)
* Same application can be used for long-term, sophisticated, needs
such as surround mixing
* User configurable short-cuts
Over Audition, Logic, Pro Tools:
* Better Support/User Base (regular upgrades and improvements)
* Very workable base set of plug-ins for $40 initial cost and
excellent plug-in compatibility
* Plays .flac and interleaved sound files natively
* Timeline markers for file and clip logging/added documentation (a
programmer is working on adding many marker types for eventual
database incorporation).
* Cross-platform exchangeability
* Excellent open source sound file format compatibility
* Simultaneous tabbed/editing Sessions
* Cost
I've used Reaper on Mac OX S 10.4.11 heavily/daily since Jan 2010 and
it has crashed a total of two times. Because I can have several
editing sessions open in Reaper, I find that I rarely use my 2 track
editing apps. Rob D.