Not sure its good enuf but the H2 can be post proceeded to do M/S or fig 8 =
--- In Steve Duncan <> wrote:
> It seems like the barriers to making one's own stereo boundary mic out of=
capsules are fairly low - sites like Rob D's & Curt O's cover the basic co=
ncepts, and the components are inexpensive and fairly easy to find. But fo=
r M/S it seems much less simple, which got me thinking - what would be the =
easiest/cheapest way to experiment with M/S, starting with a handheld recor=
der and no mics? What are the options?
> The cardioid part seems the easiest - there are several choices. There is=
at least one free plugin for decoding M/S on the computer, but a Rolls MX3=
10 or the like could do it in the field, using a cable with two connectors =
wired out of phase at one end, right? That leaves the figure-8 mic, which s=
eems to be the hard part as there aren't many inexpensive options.
> Has anyone been doing this without a heavy investment?