On 04 Apr, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Shirane Sanzan wrote:
> ... but are two omnis really better than one?
If you want to record stereo live, then two mics
are pretty much a necessity. But if you're happy with
mono, then the bewildering number of options gets
way simpler.
> (I had been thinking of purchasing a Sennheiser MKH-20,
> but two would be impossibly expensive.)
So you've got 48 volts phantom power and you're happy
with mono, then one MKH-20 may be all you ever need,
and Full Compass still has one B-Stock MKH-20 for a grand:
I've never had the opportunity to use any of the MKH mics,
but what I paid for a pair of AT3032s a few years ago
leaves enough left over for a portable recorder. The AT3032s
replaced a pair of Earthworks SROs, and they don't sound
quite as good, but they're quieter, are less of a load on
phantom power supplies and have -10 dB pad and
lowcut switches, and are still going strong. And they is
not that much difference in sound quality.
If you're going to be in humid locations and/or need
lowest mic noise, want a lifetime mic, or need reliability
for daily use, MKH is surely a good choice. But don't
let the desire for the last few percentage points of perfection
keep you from enjoying recording with more affordable mics.
-- Mike