--- In "oryoki2000" <> wrote:
I really appreciate this detailed synopsis Oryoki; thanks a million. This i=
s exactly what I was hoping to hear, and if YOU can't hear the difference i=
n the preamps, then I certainly won't!
All the best
> The FR2 was introduced in 2004, the FR2-LE in 2006. I think the FR-2 was=
designed for the audio engineer working on a movie set, while the FR2-LE t=
arget market was (and is) electronic news gathering.
> The FR-2LE is a stripped-down version of the FR-2. The FR2 includes digi=
tal input and output, a hard drive, 24/192 quantization, a 10 second pre-ro=
ll buffer, and more controls for settings so the software menu system doesn=
't need to be accessed as much. These features are missing or reduced in t=
he FR-2LE.
> The FR-2LE has the ability to use a longer-lasting battery. The FR2 eats=
batteries like there is no tomorrow, so this is an important change if you=
're in the field covering stories for TV or radio news.
> To my ear, the FR2 and FR-2LE preamps sound the same. Fostex doesn't say=
if they are identical.
> --oryoki