Hi All
I been looking at a new recorder to replace the Sony minidisk. I have been =
focusing on recorders that have PIP ( plug in power) to run a pair of Telin=
ga EM 23's. Wanting to keep it simple the thought a of power box meant extr=
a cables and more connections for something to go wrong.
I have come across the below link that I found in the Sonic Studio Website.=
( http://www.sonicstudios.com/tips.htm#decks )
Each recorder that has been illustrated behaves differently but all show a =
noticeable increase in noise at the low frequencies when PIP was used. If t=
his is correct has any one done a side by side comparison of PIP on v's PIP=
off. I'm interested know if one is going to hear the difference. I know of=
some nature recordest who have a fine appreciation of very LF. For me, rec=
ording birds is my interest and I'm struggling to get some pigeons and butt=
on quails that have very deep call. I assume having an increase in LF noise=
is going make that harder.
Thank you for your replies.
Western Australia