Ah, now that is traffic, and thanks for pointing it out. I had thought that=
you were hearing the waterfall and interpreting it as background traffic n=
oise which would be a fair interpretation.
There are two roads that would have an effect; one is an A road about a mil=
e off with the odd vehicle at that time in the morning, though it is likely=
to be freight and therefore quite noticeable. The other is a miinor road c=
lose by (a few hundred yards) with perhaps one or two early vehicles during=
the 30 minute recording.
The pervasive broadband noise is the waterfall as I mentioned.
I suppose the way that one approaches traffic noise comes down to intention=
. Like most people I can't stand it under most recording circumstances. In =
this context it's interesting because I'm documenting aspects of the site. =
What might be of use would be to return year on year to the same spot at th=
e same time and make comparisons.