I just think it's hilarious that the Mac users are bragging about running
If Mac is so good, than why do you need Windows?
On 6/6/08, John Tudor <> wrote:
> Thanx All
> I sort of know I'll do it. I just wanted another final thought process
> head scratch.
> A friend of mine (ironically his surname is McIntosh) has ALWAYS been
> a MAC person. He's a jeweller and the design side of the MAC from
> early days well and truley left the PC for dead. Anyhooo... He has no
> PC experience and so needed help to load Windows XP onto his new Intel
> MAC.
> I was quite suprised to see it run Windows (allbeit a clean install)
> faster than my reasonably high end PC.
> I think that was the defining moment for me as to whether I'd upgrade
> the PC or just do it (as they say).
> My only issues are that I'm in one of those lucky spots that can't get
> broadband. So I'll need to replace my Com1 Modem with a USB modem and
> my LPT1 Printer with either an IP based Print Server or a new printer.
> Also, Kerry's laptop is Windows and I need to think through the
> network file sharing issues of Windows files on a MAC based PC
> partition. I could get an IP based HDD enclosure and stick it on the
> network seperate from any PC or MAC computer.
> So, if I can convince the wife.....
> Regards
> John