Thanx All
I sort of know I'll do it. I just wanted another final thought process
head scratch.
A friend of mine (ironically his surname is McIntosh) has ALWAYS been
a MAC person. He's a jeweller and the design side of the MAC from
early days well and truley left the PC for dead. Anyhooo... He has no
PC experience and so needed help to load Windows XP onto his new Intel
I was quite suprised to see it run Windows (allbeit a clean install)
faster than my reasonably high end PC.
I think that was the defining moment for me as to whether I'd upgrade
the PC or just do it (as they say).
My only issues are that I'm in one of those lucky spots that can't get
broadband. So I'll need to replace my Com1 Modem with a USB modem and
my LPT1 Printer with either an IP based Print Server or a new printer.
Also, Kerry's laptop is Windows and I need to think through the
network file sharing issues of Windows files on a MAC based PC
partition. I could get an IP based HDD enclosure and stick it on the
network seperate from any PC or MAC computer.
So, if I can convince the wife.....