I have a zoom H2, and it does well enough in a closed room for
recording the audio happenings at hand. I wished I had audio of all
of the larger family gatherings over the years. There really was a
history to be captured, even if it was in bits and pieces of long
past lives. Even as hard to distinguish ambiance, the sounds would
have been of value to my projects. I have been transfering 8mm home
movies to modern media, and without sound they can be boring pictures
like a photo album at times. Just the background sound or a few
stories is all it would take to make them live a little. Everyone is
here because they record nature sounds. People in conversation is a
natural sound to me, the same as linguists may record a dying
language so they can hear all of the inflections and accents. I will
be going through all of the video tapes and saving both the image and
audio from them before they degrade. Many of the 1/4 inch audio are
too far gone and flaking apart. Many tapes are quite boring to watch,
but there is the sound of voices that are familiar both past and
present. It's amazing to hear people three or four generations apart
that sound the same in so many ways. It seems most of the immigrant
history in our family is long deceased. That is where the best
stories were, but so many are lone gone. I have discovered the family
archives are a full time job that may or may not be kept by our
future generations. at least they will exist as best I can manage.
I will still do what I can to preserve them. That will be my tiny
legacy in time, but I still like nature recording.
--- In "Steve Duncan" <>
> Hi - I just discovered this group, and I've been having
> a blast reading through the archives. I've always been
> fascinated with sound gear, and fiddled with making
> recordings from time to time although I'd never really
> invested in decent equipment.
> After I discovered my old voice recorder wouldn't talk
> to my Mac, I ordered an Olympus LS-10, which should be
> arriving today. I decided on the LS-10 because I'd
> recorded what I guess I'll call "family ambience" a
> few times with my old recorder, and thought it would
> be even more fun now that our kids are starting to talk
> more. I'd once tried to make a custom ringtone for my
> wife of our oldest daughter's first giggles, but between
> noise and low signal levels it just didn't work.
> I suppose this is stretching the definition of nature
> recording, but is anyone else doing this kind of stuff?
> Steve in Milwaukee