The FEL preamps are great - I have two.
However, the *huge* flaw in the smaller 3.5 series with stereo 1/8 inputs i=
that they *don't* pass the plug in power onto the microphone!
Unfortunately this means you can only use battery (or dynamic) mics unless
you string a battery box inline. Sooo close to perfect.
Having said that, I also have the FEL BMA1 preamp which is truely amazing
quality - at a price!
On 10/26/07, Nick Roast <> wrote:
> I hope this is of interest, we have a couple of customers successfully
> using our FEL 3.5 Series Preamps with the Zoom H2 to reduce the
> problem of the noisy internal preamps. The FEL preamp is extremely
> low noise and boosts the output level of the mic by 20dB. This means
> you can run the recorder with its level control at 20 dB less, hence
> improving the signal to noise performance. The preamps work from Plug
> in Power so they do not need batteries and are extremely small and light.
> --- In "Roger Norwood"
> <> wrote:
> >
> > Keith says
> > >The NT4 miniplugged directly into the ext. mic jack on the H2 does
> > >NOT work at all. It is all noise. You have to get the gain up with a
> > >pre-amp like the Mixpre and use the line-in jack. Zoom boo-booed
> > >somewhere when designing the ext. mic jack. Oh well.
> >
> >
> > Thanks for the H2 user report, I am awaiting mine on back order from
> Studiospares in UK =A3148.99 + P&P
> > and cant wait to get out and use it. What's wrong with the jack mic
> inputs? Your NT4 needs 12-48 phantom so maybe the plug-in power isn't
> up to it?
> > Anybody had experience?
> >
> > Roger Norwood
> >
> >
> >
> >