I hope this is of interest, we have a couple of customers successfully
using our FEL 3.5 Series Preamps with the Zoom H2 to reduce the
problem of the noisy internal preamps. The FEL preamp is extremely
low noise and boosts the output level of the mic by 20dB. This means
you can run the recorder with its level control at 20 dB less, hence
improving the signal to noise performance. The preamps work from Plug
in Power so they do not need batteries and are extremely small and light.
--- In "Roger Norwood"
<> wrote:
> Keith says
> >The NT4 miniplugged directly into the ext. mic jack on the H2 does
> >NOT work at all. It is all noise. You have to get the gain up with a
> >pre-amp like the Mixpre and use the line-in jack. Zoom boo-booed
> >somewhere when designing the ext. mic jack. Oh well.
> Thanks for the H2 user report, I am awaiting mine on back order from
Studiospares in UK =A3148.99 + P&P
> and cant wait to get out and use it. What's wrong with the jack mic
inputs? Your NT4 needs 12-48 phantom so maybe the plug-in power isn't
up to it?
> Anybody had experience?
> Roger Norwood