Hi Normand,
I use an FR2-LE with a Telinga Pro6 Twin Sci in a parabola and get
similar levels (maybe up to -24)to you when recording crossbill
flight calls. Might occasionally get a bit more but certainly
nothing like -12db as a "normal" range ( unless a Winter Wren is
15ft away!).
--- In Normand Fisher
<> wrote:
> Thanks Chris,
> The meters on both the FR2-LE and Audacity are similar. Most of
the time around -45 to -30db. I'd like to adjust it at recording
time so that the peaks would be around -12db but I'm already setting
the volume control near the max. Surprisingly, when amplified with
Audacity by 20 to 24db, the background hiss is barely audible at
normal listening volume.
> Still climbing the learning ladder,
> Normand
> Chris Edwards <> wrote: On Tue, 17 Jul 2007, Normand
Fisher wrote:
> | surprised that once I transfer the files to my PC, the signal
> | very low and requires to be boosted by around 20 to 24 db (using
> | Audacity) to be nicely audible. Is that common for ambient
> | recording?
> What sort of levels do the FR-2LE meters read when you make the
recording ?
> Do the meters on your PC agree ?
> "While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
> sound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie
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