> Lately I have been thinking we are making a error in publishing
> recordings without man made noise. As we all know it's extremely
> you can record for long anywhere without picking up man made noise.
Walt, you give me an excuse for a post I have been thinking of. Like
everyone else I have learned to hate the human intrusion, but
sometimes it can complement a natural sound. House Martins (Delichon
urbica) long ago abandoned their natural cliff face nesting sites to
nest on artificial cliffs made by man (houses), hard to get a
recording of them without some sort of man-made noise.
I recently found a nice colony on a Swiss farm which was making
cheese (of course) with cows and bells (of course) in a nearby field.
By getting up against the house wall, with my back (and parabola) to
the cow bells I was able to reduce their impact, but got the
reflected sound of a nearby (1km) road (which I admit later reduced
with an equalizer). About a minute in the cheese maker appears
whistling aimlessly and banging his cans, and then re-appears with
his hose pipe to wash down the yard =96 at which point I had to duck
out !
Not the world's greatest recording but I thought it made for an
interesting rural mixture of man-made noise and nature. Listen if
you'd like to:
http://cjhails.googlepages.com/hosuemartinsandcowbells (1.5 mins 2Mb)