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Man made noise and nature recording

Subject: Man made noise and nature recording
From: "Walter Knapp" waltknapp
Date: Mon May 28, 2007 8:04 am ((PDT))
> I find this a little sad. The scenes at dusk are much different than
> those at 2am, even though our anuran actors are still on stage (loving
> that analogy). At dusk, other animals, like people, are wrapping up
> the business of the day and they are all out. Capturing this without
> human and machine sounds, especially in the North-East of North
> America seems to be a huge challenge.

Lately I have been thinking we are making a error in publishing
recordings without man made noise. As we all know it's extremely rare
you can record for long anywhere without picking up man made noise.
Maybe what the public should be given is what's really out there. So
they will learn just what people are really doing to the environment.
After all people are just another species of animal, so are a subject
for "nature recording".

Keep at it if you want "clean" recordings, fieldcraft is not just
sneaking up on the animals that are calling. It's surprising what you
can do. For instance here at my house it's close to impossible to avoid
man made noise, the sound of bulldozers tearing the forests up to make
subdivisions and such like. Getting to be a pretty steady sound here. Or
the gas turbine power plant only 5 miles from here. But, if I just go to
the back of my place down in the creek bottom I'm largely shielded from
all that. Hunt for places like that.

Or try recording on sundays, generally the quietest day of the week.


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