These recordings are incredible. Really, I'm loving it Curt, thanks for sha=
I am on the fence here with this discussion... I am with Suzanne on one sid=
e because I agree that there is "too much" tech talk, I wanna hear more rec=
ordings too. BUT... I not only joined this group to hear others recordings,=
but joined to=C2=A0LEARN the tech stuff so I can do this myself. I read al=
most every email so I can familiarize myself with the tech stuff.=C2=A0Ever=
yone has been great in the recording sharing and tech sharing.
-----Original Message-----
From: Curt Olson <>
Sent: Fri, 25 May 2007 8:06 pm
Subject: [Nature Recordists] Because She Asked...
Suzanne Williams wrote:
> I personally joined more to listen to the recordings than to talk tech.
Because you asked, Suzanne, here are four clips recorded earlier this
onth at a very remote location in the Chippewa National Forest of
orth central Minnesota.
1) I managed to get a recording rig through thick brush and hordes of
ood ticks to the the edge of a small beaver pond at sunset. I left the
ig running and came back a couple hours later. This clip is from about
half hour into the recording. Notice a grouse taking flight to the
ight of the microphones, about 20 seconds into the clip. A bird I
annot identify with flies overhead near the end. (I'd appreciate a
efinite ID from anyone on this bird and also on the frogs in this
192 kbps mp3 =E2=80=A2 3.4 MB =E2=80=A2 (2:30)
2) This clip is from the same recording, about 20 minutes later. It's
ctually two duck events that took place about 8 minutes apart,
rossfaded together. Hopefully only our most skilled frog experts will
e able to locate the crossfade.
192 kbps mp3 =E2=80=A2 3.9 MB =E2=80=A2 (2:53)
(Recording equipment for the two cuts above: AudioTechnica AT3032 mics
n a head-spaced barrier array > Fostex FR-2LE recorder.)
3) Immediately pre-dawn the next morning. Mic is about 50 feet from my
ehicle, facing into a stand of young aspen where I heard a ruffed
rouse drumming the evening before. I missed a direct hit on the
rouse, but it's close enough to be interesting, at least to me. This
ite is about 100 yards from my beaver pond, thus the frogs prominent
n the background. I'm pretty sure that's a White Throated Sparrow in
he foreground, with a brief call from a distant Loon and other
nteresting stuff in there too.
192 kbps mp3 =E2=80=A2 1.2 MB =E2=80=A2 (:54)
(Recording equipment: AudioTechnica AT3031 mics (cardioid cousins to
he 3032s) in a head-spaced barrier array (yup that's right --
ardioids attached to a barrier) > Fostex FR-2LE recorder.)
4) That afternoon, just about the time I was nearly going insane from
ore wood ticks than I've ever dealt with before, a military jet flew a
raining mission overhead. Some of the airspace above this area is
esignated a Military Operations Area. A few years ago I stood a couple
iles from this location for almost 45 minutes watching and listening
s two F-16s engaged in mock combat from horizon to horizon.
nfortunately, this time it was only one jet, presumably an F-16 from
he Minnesota Air National Guard fighter squadron based in Duluth, MN.
ere's one pass-by, along with some wind noise (it was a warm, breezy
192 kbps mp3 =E2=80=A2 3.2 MB =E2=80=A2 (2:20)
(Recording equipment: AudioTechnica AT3032 mics in a head-spaced
arrier array > Fostex FR-2LE recorder.)
And finally...
I'm posting this just to get an ID if possible. Can anyone tell me who
he main players are in this clip?
192 kbps mp3 =E2=80=A2 1.5 MB =E2=80=A2 (1:06)
(Recording equipment: AudioTechnica AT3031 mics in a head-spaced
arrier array > ART Phantom II power supply > Sony MZ-M100 Hi-MD
Curt Olson
"While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
ound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie Krause
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