Hello all. Thanks for those of you that provided me some starting out
advice. I really appreciate it. I looked into everything you've
advised. I found that the majority of you use mini disk recoders..
highly recommending them. The Sony MZ RH1 mini disc rec. seems to be
the "cheapest/common" item to record. Why? It is slightly out of my
price range, but I would get it regardless, anything beyond that would
be too much money :(
Some of you mentioned that I wouldn't be able to start at around 200-
350 dollars. I now see through researching that that's true, unless I
bought a mp3 recorder...
Not knowing anything about this stuff, I figured a digital-mp3
recorder would be fine. With out getting to technical, whats the
difference in sound quality between a mini disc recorder and a mp3
recorder? Is it that much where the mini disc is THE way to go?
Someone said that I would be disapointed with mp3 recorders.
For instance, I found the 200 dollar, Samson Zoom H2 digital audio
recorder, would this recorder be comparable to a mini disc recorder?
Like the Sony MZ RH1 mini disc rec?
To look at it, it's at
In the meantime, I'll look into the "getting started" area on the
forum for some answers as well. I just like directly taslking to
people :)
Thanks everyone!