Rich, I don't keep careful enough track of what is from whom here, so
sorry I don't have the image link to hand... Have you tried putting the
three capsules right next to each other (vertically, not left and right
channel) instead of having space between them? Would they still add up
the same way? What if they were in a tight triangle? I'd think the
phase similarity would increase the gain... but that's just a thought.
Have you experiemented?
Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
On Jan 29, 2007, at 5:35 PM, Rich Peet wrote:
> hard to stop a mind, sort of like standing in front of a train.
> I built the triplet as a noise reduction technique to bring a low
> noise result using cheap higher noise mics. By putting them in align
> verticle you get the same time of arrival. Any space apart of the
> mics causes problem starting at high pitches and working down.