hard to stop a mind, sort of like standing in front of a train.
I built the triplet as a noise reduction technique to bring a low
noise result using cheap higher noise mics. By putting them in align
verticle you get the same time of arrival. Any space apart of the
mics causes problem starting at high pitches and working down.
In barriors, I space my clusters at head space on 90 degree corners
which puts it about 12" on 180 degree sides. I do have phase problems
on a mono conversion using only the 12" spaced and very little problem
on the 90 degree corners at abouut a 7" space.
--- In Lou Judson <> wrote:
> I'd like to put a stop to this thread - I was making a meta-comment
> that the triplet appeared to be about the height of an ear. If anyone
> wants to do an experiment with comparing three capsules in a tight
> cluster versus having them in a line an inch and a half or so apart,
> then it might be valid. That would be interesting to me, but not quite
> interesting enough to try bulding one. I was just ntoticing how the
> three capsules were spaced about an ear's height apart... would you get
> a similar advantage if they were close together in a cluster?
> Sorry if I created a diversion!
> <L>
> Lou Judson =95 Intuitive Audio
> 415-883-2689
> On Jan 29, 2007, at 5:05 PM, Rich Peet wrote:
> > In my mind it is figuring out when a mic is a receiver and when it
> > acts like a transmitter. In this regard I have not been able to figure
> > out when one would want to put a mic in an ear shaped container.
> > Rich
> >
> > --- In Curt Olson <cro@> wrote:
> >>
> >> If I understand right, the idea of the triplet is to get better s/n.
> >> Someone please correct me if that's wrong.
> >>
> >> Somewhat related to your "ear" thought, I've done some tinkering with
> >> small ear-like structures placed immediately behind various mic
> >> capsules. In most cases I've noticed some slight attenuation of
> >> coming from behind the array, which what what I was after. The
> >> trade-off seemed to be exaggerated upper-mid frequencies, which I do
> >> not want. My feeling right now is that it's not worth pursuing
> >> further.
> >>
> >> Curt Olson
> >>
> >>