well maybe instead of hyper-real we could call it 'caricatured'.
"tr.v. car=B7i=B7ca=B7tured, car=B7i=B7ca=B7tur=B7ing, car=B7i=B7ca=B7tures
To represent or imitate in an exaggerated, distorted manner."
but [as we all know] ANY recording is an interpretation of
reality...not a mirror of it...so "over manipulated" or "over
produced" must by definition be a subjective opinion.
of course I would agree that if while listening to a nature recording,
you find yourself thinking about the recordist and mixer more than the
sonic environment which is being recreated, that is a prime candidate
for "over manipulated".
In preparing a recording for listening I would say that achieving some
'invisibility' of editing/mixing should be a paramount goal.
> ps, hyper-real is perhaps not a word that conveys precisely my
> intent. is there a more typical word to refer to recordings where it
> seems as if the sound was manipulated to make it sound better than
> real, but does not?