Caught me. You must be using headphones.
I use a 32" polycarbonate parabolic, handheld and tripod mount.
4 different omni mic configurations with 4 windscreen configurations,
although no windscreen was used on this recording.
At the distance I was making this recording I needed max gain. I used
two omni's separated a few inches without barrier. Each was looking at
a different 5 degree viewing angle. Only off axis sound is the center
and I was distant from the source so there is very little center.
I also use this same configuration for species specific work. I cut
the high freqs on the mic not on target at the appropriate freq,
reverse phase that channel, and sum the two to mono. It is something
to see what I can eliminate in man made noise from a specific target.
Another plug for the Recordists Campout this weekend. I will bring two
dishes for chasing wild pig at night for anyone so inclined or any
other recording someone wants to do.
You can only shoot them after we get all the sound we want. Not
before. We want the screems on tape before the gun fire, ok?
--- In "Anton Woldhek" <>
> Ha,
> Great recording Rich. I spend a bit of time in the ozzie dessert,
also doing
> controlled burning stuff. Its hard not to become a pyro doing that,
which I
> guess unfortunatly does really happen to some guys over there.
> Loved the radio voice too.
> I only missed a true centre. The wind does come bit more central it
> then the wood burning. Could you tell a bit more about the setup?
> Anton