With the talk recently of stereo patterns, I did a test of ten different
patterns at the local lakeside where I was about 10 feet above the reedy
shoreline full of birds with a 270 degree exposure (and an airport behind
me). Unfortunately, there was quite a bit of man-made noise, but a bit of
high-pass filtering (@ 220 Hz) took most of it out.
Recorded with a SD 722 dB gain) and two Rode NT2000 mics in various
configurations and settings. The files were filtered, mixed sequentially,
and amplified 10 dB.
I won't post the pattern used for each one right now, as I'd like your
unbiased opinion of which pattern sounds the most realistic, the most
natural, the best image placement, and the best soundfield capture. Perhaps
listening on both phones and a CD might be the most informative.
Included in the test were, alphabetically and NOT in the testing order: AB,
Blumlein, MS, ORTF, NOS and XY. Keep in mind that the figure-8 pattern of
the NT2000 is not symmetrical, but I don't know if it's audible in MS or
Blumlein, where the larger front lobe was facing forward.
I'll post the key in a couple days.
Short version: 50 sec., 16-bit 48kHz .WAV, 10.6 MB
Short version, 44.1 kHz .WAV for CD burning, 9.7 MB:
Long version: 5 min., 192 kbps 48 kHz stereo .mp3, 6.8 MB
Long version 44.1 kHz .WAV for CD burning, 50 MB:
Bruce Wilson KF7K