From: "Rich Peet" <>
> This web site is better for WI frog locations.
I'm familiar with that site, I went through it in detail before my trip
up there. It's useful.
> The Pickeral is confirmed in the county we are talking about but I
> would sure like to sit with one for some time at KVR because I have
> found so many leopard frogs that only occasionally chuckle up here. A
> Pickeral find is also important because the people that manage KVR
> care so much about the land and this frog is associated with "good" land.
These were so faint on the recording it really needs some more
recording, and someone to get out there and catch them to confirm. I can
only say these sound like pickerels, but I'm out of my territory up there.
Down here pickerels were considered to be rare. Their habits are such
they are not often seen. And their call does not carry well. My work
with them showed them to be much more common than thought.
Down here pickerels are not necessarily just on "good" land. I've found
them in stormwater collection ponds and such like.
> The other WI frogs I am missing from KVR on the south 40 acres are
> "Bull", "Mink", and "Cricket". I don't expect to ever find those but
> many locals believe their "Greens" are "Bulls".
We have that down here too, both Greens and Southern Leopards are called
Bullfrogs by some.