From: "Steve Pelikan" <>
> Jerry:
> Another space saver to consider is FLAC (a lossless audio compressor that=
> can usually reduce files sizes by a factor of 2 or more).
> It is an open standrard and there are free versions for most platforms.
The first test of any format you are going to put up on the web is
usability. All kinds of formats have small followings, but on the web
are virtual unknowns. Avoid them unless you want lots of hassles.
I used to use Realaudio sound clips on my frog website. And suffered
endless emails from folks who could not get them to play even if they
went through all the hoops of installing Real's plugins. As soon as mp3
gained sufficient support I made new mp3 sound clips. Since then I've
had almost no email from someone who could not play them. They are the
standard currently for web compressed sound. Though there are still
folks that are using software so old it can have problems with some of
the newer features available in mp3 compression.
If you don't want to use mp3, then look into one of the formats
supported by Quicktime as it's available on all major OS setups. If you
run into anyone who cannot play mp3's, Quicktime is a good suggestion too.