From: "Rich Peet" <>
> The southern US has not had an event yet. That would be great.
> If you have an event we will then have organized recording options for
> east, west, north and south. I think you can find the most support in
> North Carolina but your back yard would be a fine addition.
> That would really be great.
I'm not talking about organizing a southern event, though it's a nice
idea. I'd like to make your event some year, but it won't be this year.
Last time I went out west it occupied two months and 8000 miles, the
year my son died. Other than visiting family that trip, I mostly visited
old friends in the form of wild areas. I'm very familiar with the west
and really enjoyed revisiting lots of the wild places I like. Avoided
freeways, and towns. Got rousted by the border guards in Texas and all
kinds of other neat fun.
It looks like I'll get to meet with several recordists this trip, as
well as roaming the west a bit. It's a long extended campout for me.
Still planning route. Particularly hoping for frog spots to record.