--- In "Rich Peet" <>
> --- In "kennjava" <> wrote:
> >
> > The 4 conductors in the twisted "star" pattern provides more physical
> > symmetry of the signal-carrying conductors; this symmetry means that
> > signals induced along the cable are more completely cancelled out by a
> > differential input.
> Of course you understand that there would be much more symmetry if
> there was only two wires running directly next to each other.
I don't see how that could be so... (otherwise normal mic cable would
be less prone to noise than star-quad, right?)
If you consider a pair in cross-section (A and B) and noise source (N)
like so:
1) AB N
2) A N=20
2) B
Then in 2) A and B are receiving the same signal from N, but in 1) B
is closer therefore recieving more signal from N.
Isn't that the whole point of pair twist - so that over a length of
cable the distance A to N and B to N average out to be equal... which
means equal amounts of induced noise, which means better cancellation.
And star-quad improves upon that, because it's cross-section is never
as asymetrical as 1).