From: Rob Danielson <>
> As soon as the HiMD recorders which record both
> non-compressed 16 bit audio and compressed ATRAC
> on on the shelves, the
> to-compress/not-to-compress decision will be one
> that all new MD recorder buyers can enjoy making
> themselves (no offense to those who might choose
> HHb preamps/A-D.)
Actually that's going to promote focusing on the preamps and A/D, once
people get the message that's where the quality problems lie. And that
will be a good thing. No more making excuses by blaming ATRAC when you
know how well it does. People will have to actually learn how to record,
imagine that!
It does appear it may be some wait. I'm holding out for the HHb version,
which will certainly have the quality preamps and A/D. I better get out
recording 24 hours a day to wear out my Portadisc. No reason to change
until it wears out, and that's a long, long way away. Not that I need
uncompressed. That's hardly my limiting factor ever.