Because of the National Park Service policies in place since 2000
under Director's Order 47, and where the natural soundscape was
designated as a "resource," the NPS is actively promoting listening
and recording activities within the parks. So there should actually
be no explaining to do other than to refer the (uninformed) ranger to
DO47 and the mandates set forth by the park administration.
Fortunately, Fran Minella, the Bush-appointed head of the park
service, hasn't got the message that recording is dangerous to the
administration's policies of undermining the entire agency. BTW, my
book, Wild Soundscapes, was originally written for the park service
as the activities guide for the educational ranger staff who are/were
to introduce visitors to such activities.
Wild Sanctuary, Inc.
P. O. Box 536
Glen Ellen, California 95442-0536
Tel: (707) 996-6677
Fax: (707) 996-0280
>Raven writes:
>I couldn't agree more. Many, many times I have been in just this
>situation. Last fall, while in Yellowstone, I had the privelege of
>explaining myself and my recording set up to several park
>rangers and visitors while I was recording. All of these folks
>proved to be very interested and unfamiliar with the topics of
>nature recording, natural quiet in the parks, biophanies, and the
>relationship of sound, natural and man made, with ecosystems,
>wildlife and personal enjoyment.
>I was delighted to share some of the information I have learned
>from you all, on this list, and from my own experiences out in the
>field. I found my audiences to be receptive, curious and eager to
>learn more. I was happy to direct them to this list, the Nature
>Sound Society, Bernie's books and other resources.
>My city nature recording forays find me in similar circumstances.
>I have had the privelege of educating all ages in my
>neighborhood forays. I have a funny set up where I pack my sony
>957, minidisc, headphones and Cousin It style windscreen
>around in a blue jean jacket. I often have curious folks ask me
>what the heck I am up to. They love listening through my
>headphones and are interested and curious to learn more.
>I practice my friendliness and courtesy skills because I feel that
>the more folks that become aware and interested in what we do
>then the more folks may help to preserve our natural
>soundscapes and wildlife.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]