--- In Marty Michener
<> wrote:
> A lot of these issues come down, not just to "rights" but to
courtesy and
> taking time to identify and explain yourself politely, no matter
> recording the inquisitive person has just ruined. It helps a lot
to allow
> the worried person to listen, live, through your earphones.
Then they can
> HEAR that no particular secret conversations are being
detected by the
> outrageous apparatus. Some even get hooked on birds or
Raven writes:
I couldn't agree more. Many, many times I have been in just this
situation. Last fall, while in Yellowstone, I had the privelege of
explaining myself and my recording set up to several park
rangers and visitors while I was recording. All of these folks
proved to be very interested and unfamiliar with the topics of
nature recording, natural quiet in the parks, biophanies, and the
relationship of sound, natural and man made, with ecosystems,
wildlife and personal enjoyment.
I was delighted to share some of the information I have learned
from you all, on this list, and from my own experiences out in the
field. I found my audiences to be receptive, curious and eager to
learn more. I was happy to direct them to this list, the Nature
Sound Society, Bernie's books and other resources.
My city nature recording forays find me in similar circumstances.
I have had the privelege of educating all ages in my
neighborhood forays. I have a funny set up where I pack my sony
957, minidisc, headphones and Cousin It style windscreen
around in a blue jean jacket. I often have curious folks ask me
what the heck I am up to. They love listening through my
headphones and are interested and curious to learn more.
I practice my friendliness and courtesy skills because I feel that
the more folks that become aware and interested in what we do
then the more folks may help to preserve our natural
soundscapes and wildlife.