The message was strange because it came to me from you personally not from
the list - but now that I look at the address it is not yours. Wow we have
to be even more careful. There was a bogus excel spreadsheet attached that
had the virus. At least it was one that Norton can catch. Going to have to
go back to reading all my mail on the Unix system. Things are getting
uglier every day in Billy's World - School is out or almost out and looks
like a lot of little punks have too much time on their hands.
Here is the header below (from Billy's World so everything backwards)
Would have replied to you personally but your brain dead service provider
cannot tell a home office setup with a server from an open relay because
they are using an outmoded list for determining those things.
Received: from pilsener.srv.ualberta.ca (pilsener.srv.ualberta.ca
by birdnut.obtuse.com (8.10.1/8.10.1) with ESMTP id h58JAlW28269
for <>; Sun, 8 Jun 2003 13:10:52 -0600 (MDT)
Received: from mail.latnet.lv (mail.latnet.lv [])
by pilsener.srv.ualberta.ca (8.12.9/8.12.6) with SMTP id h58JAiPw002209
for <>; Sun, 8 Jun 2003 13:10:45 -0600 (MDT)
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2003 13:10:44 -0600 (MDT)
Message-Id: <>
Received: (qmail 31416 invoked by uid 64014); 8 Jun 2003 19:10:23 -0000
Received: from by mail by uid 64011 with
(clamscan: 0.54. Clear:.
Processed in 39.365295 secs); 08 Jun 2003 19:10:23 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO w3g4r3) (
by mail.latnet.lv with SMTP; 8 Jun 2003 19:09:44 -0000
From: Walter Knapp <>
Subject: Re: [Nature Recordists] Food for Thought!
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------XF13T1PE8OYJ9Z"
X-Qmail-Scanner-Message-ID: <>
-----Original Message-----
From: Walter Knapp
Sent: June 8, 2003 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Nature Recordists] Crossed shotgun stereo rig
Klas Strandberg wrote:
> Walt, I guess it has no meaning for anybody, but a copy of your last
> mail came to me with a virus (W32.Bugbear) attachment. Norton took it.
> This is the first time I have got virus from this list.
I think someone on the list has the virus, as I'm mac it's not me. The
virus has no chance of running on the mac. And, of course I did not send
a attachment. That's a clue as well as the yahoo groups server would
have stripped off the attachment.
In the last little bit I've received several that were titled as from
Nature Recordists, but were not. Some were complete messages, others
were just fragments. I don't know if that's what you got. Have you
checked the full header of the message to see who actually sent it. That
too can be spoofed, but not as easily.
If anyone is on spedlog.com, check your computer, that's the source of
one of them. Another, which had a from that was lang's email address was
from someone on attbi.com. This was the classic virus mail about a new
game to try. Lang also uses macs, so I assume it's not him.
Everybody using windows check your computer. Last fall I had someone's
computer in the Washington DC area that kept spoofing my email for three
months. I hope this one does not take so long for the person to notice.
That computer was pouring false emails onto the internet every time the
person was on line. If you seem to have more than usual activity from
your computer when online, check carefully.
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