Thank you for your responses. I have learned a lot more in reading them tha=
I would have in hours of personal research !
Raven certainly looks impressive, but as Lang and Martyn say, it will be
quite expensive ! Perhaps more than what I'm ready to invest for the moment
as a "weekend recordist"... (I am about to spend twice as much on my first
Telinga !) I think I'll let some of you try it first and then convince me
that it is really the ultimate software I must purchase ;-)
Scott, I have downloaded several of the programs you pointed me to. I'll
need some time to experiment with them, though.
Thank you for the advice on Spectrogram, Bill. That's the first program I
downloaded and I played a little bit with it (10 minutes at a time...) I
think I'll buy it. At that price, it is worth bying if only to experiment
while comparing with CoolEdit 2000. This one has log representation of the
wave. I suppose that automatically means log 2, doesn't it, Lang ?
But I'll also follow Doug advice and spend more time practicing with the
spectral view in CoolEdit 2000. After all, none of you said this program wa=
a waste of time. I must admit I have not explored all options yet in a
complete way (sometimes, I find their way to present options a bit too
technical and their online doc does not always bridge the gap...) In any
case, your samples, Doug, convinced me there is a lot more to be done with
CE2K. So, I'll try again...
Once again, many thanks, to all of you (including Walt for his useful
comments) !
Dominique Laloux