I refrained from answering because of the shame factor.
Had I been forced to make a choice, I would have chosen the Pied Currawong on the basis that winners are grinners and losers can suit themselves.
On 26/07/2013 4:25 PM, Geoffrey Dabb wrote:
Thank you all for your thoughts on this. The meaning of ‘favourite’ was left to you, and of course there were different perspectives on that. Allowing each viewpoint one vote, that vote was split between any nominated equal favourites, with the following result:
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo 3.3
Superb Fairy-wren 3
A Magpie 2.7
Yellow-rumped Thornbill 2
Major Mitchell Cockatoo 2
Gang-gang Cockatoo 1.53
Eastern Yellow-robin 1.5
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Tawny Frogmouth, Superb Lyrebird, Galah, Red-backed Fairy-wren, Brolga, Double-barred Finch, Night Parrot, Brown Thornbill, Rufous Whistler, Avocet: one vote each
Bush Stone-curlew 0.5
Apostlebird 0.5
Grey Butcherbird 0.2
Eastern Rosella 0.2
Crested Pigeon 0.2
The result is a hung parliament with the birds below the line controlling the fate of the government
Many of you chatliners out there will have a favourite Australian bird. If so, I would like to know what it is (to see if there is any consensus, or surprises). Need not be local.