

To: <>
From: Julian Robinson <>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2007 15:38:13 +1000
I get confused by other people's acronyms but still like using my own for efficiency.  ISTM (see list below if you need this translated) that in any specialisation (like birds) there is a good case for acronym use, just as for other non-acronymised jargon .  But if acronyms are used, there needs to be a list for  people to fall back on when completely stumped.

Here (below and attached) is a first draft acronym list.  It includes likely bird names from the local list, some organisational stuff, institutions, some local bird locations, books etc.  There is plenty of scope for additions (and corrections) notably some botanical abbreviations.

I'm not aiming at all to specify what acronyms people should use, it is designed to work the other way - if you see an acronym hopefully it will be here.  To that end for some terms I've included more than one acronym to cover users' personal style eg.  YRT and YRTB to cover Yellow-rumped Thornbill.  Equally, there is no attempt to include the various punctuations that could be used like hyphens and apostrophes or combinations of caps and smalls.  The letters should be enough and punctuation will be an added comprehension bonus if included.

If anyone has other acronyms that have caused them trouble I'm happy to receive and incorporate them, resort and repost. I'm also happy to hand it over to others who want to improve or maintain it or put it in some handy location. Many email lists issue a routine post once a week or month with FAQs -- we could do that with this, or it could go on the website. Or both or something else.

In the short term feel free to send me corrections and additions.

Apologies to those who don't receive this in the fixed-space font I chose, it will be difficult to read.  It's attached in MS Word format as well, just in case.

AAB      Atlas of Australian Birds
AB      Apostlebird, Australasian Bittern
ABA     Australian Bird Atlas(?)
ABR     Annual Bird Report - one issue of COG's CBN
AF      Azure Kingfisher
AG      Australasian Grebe
AH      Australian Hobby
AM      Australian Magpie
ANBG    Australian National Botanic Gardens
AP      Richard's Pipit, Australian Pipit
AR      Australian Raven
AS      Australian Shelduck, Australasian Shoveler
ASC     Australian Spotted Crake
AWD     Australian Wood Duck
AWI     Australian White Ibis

BA      Birds Australia - what used to be Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (RAOU)
BB      Brush Bronzewing, BowerBird
BBD     Blue-billed Duck
BBR     Buff-banded Rail
BC      Baillon's Crake, Brush Cuckoo
BCHE    Black-chinned Honeyeater
BD      (Pacific) Black Duck
BEC     Black-eared Cuckoo
BF      Brown Falcon, Black Falcon, Beautiful Firetail
BFC     Black-faced Cormorant
BFCS    Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
BFD     Black-fronted Dotterel
BFHE    Blue-faced Honeyeater
BFM     Black-faced Monarch
BG      Brown Goshawk, Brown Gerygone
BHE     Black Honeyeater
BHHE    Brown-headed Honeyeater
BK      Black Kite
BLW     Banded Lapwing
BM      Bell Miner
BNS     Black-necked Stork
BO      Barking Owl, Barn Owl
BOP     Bird(s) of Prey
BQ      Brown Quail
BRT     Buff-rumped Thornbill
BRTB    Buff-rumped Thornbill
BS      Black Swan, Brown Songlark
BSC     Bush Stone-curlew
BSK     Black-shouldered Kite
BSL     Brown Songlark
BT      Brown Treecreeper, Brown Thornbill, Bassian Thrush
BTB     Brown Thornbill
BTC     Brown Treecreeper
BTW     By the way
BWP     Blue-winged Parrot
BWS     Black-winged Stilt

C&B     Christidis & Boles (authors of Taxonomic books and studies)
CB      Common Blackbird, Common Bronzewing
CB      Callum Brae, Canberra
CBB     Common Blackbird
CBC     Channel-billed Cuckoo
CBG     Cape Barren Goose
CBM     Chestnut-breasted Mannikin
CBN     Canberra Bird Notes - COG's quarterly publication
CBW     Common Bronzewing
CC      Crimson Chat
CE      Cattle Egret
CG      Common Greenshank
CHE     Crescent Honeyeater
CK      Common Koel
CM      Common Myna
CP      Crested Pigeon
CP      Campbell Park
CR      Crimson Rosella
CRH     Chestnut-rumped Heathwren
CRT     Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
CRTB    Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
CRW     Clamorous Reed-Warbler
CS      Collared Sparrowhawk, Common Starling, Curlew Sandpiper
CSH     Collared Sparrowhawk
CST     Crested Shrike-tit
CT      Chestnut Teal

DBF     Double-barred Finch
DBP     Double-banded Plover
DD      Diamond Dove
DF      Diamond Firetail
DM      Dusky Moorhen
DW      Dusky Woodswallow
DWS     Dusky Woodswallow

EC      Eurasian Coot
EG      European Goldfinch, European Greenfinch
EGF     European Goldfinch, European Greenfinch
ER      Eastern Rosella
ES      Eastern Spinebill
ESB     Eastern Spinebill
ETS     Eurasian Tree Sparrow
EW      Eastern Whipbird
EWB     Eastern Whipbird
EYR     Eastern Yellow Robin

FH      Fuscous Honeyeater
FM      Fairy Martin
FR      Flame Robin
FTC     Fan-tailed Cuckoo
FTS     Fork-tailed Swift
FWIW    For what its worth

GB      Grey Butcherbird
GBB     Grey Butcherbird
GBC     Glossy Black-Cockatoo
GBS     Garden Bird Survey
GC      Grey Currawong, Great Cormorant
GCB     Grey-crowned Babbler
GCG     Great Crested Grebe
GE      Great Egret
GF      Grey Fantail, Grey Falcon, Guinea Fowl
GG      Gang-gang Cockatoo, Grey Goshawk
GG      Gang-gang - COG's monthly newsletter
GGC     Gang-gang Cockatoo
GHC     Golden-headed Cisticola
GI      Glossy Ibis
GST     Grey Shrike-thrush
GT      Grey Teal
GW      Golden Whistler

HANZAB  Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds - the  bird-info book that we'd all like to own. 
HBC     Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo
HBW     Handbook of the Birds of the World
HE      Honeyeater
HH      Hardhead
HHG     Hoary-headed Grebe
HR      Hooded Robin
HS      House Sparrow

IBA     Important Bird Area
ID      Inland Dotterel
IE      Intermediate Egret
ISTM    It seems to me

JW      Jacky Winter

KP      (Australian) King-Parrot

LB      Little Bittern
LBC     Little Black Cormorant, Long-billed Corella
LBG     Lake Burley-Griffin
LBQ     Little Button-quail
LC      Little Corella
LE      Little Eagle, Little Egret
LF      Leaden Flycatcher, Little Friarbird
LG      Little Grassbird
LG      Lake Ginninderra
LHE     Lewin's Honeyeater
LK      Laughing Kookaburra
LL      Little Lorikeet
LPC     Little Pied Cormorant
LR      Little Raven, Lewin's Rail
LS      Latham's Snipe
LW      Little Wattlebird
LWB     Little Wattlebird
LWK     Letter-winged Kite

MB      Mistletoebird
MD      Musk Duck
MF      Mulligan's Flat
MFF     Mixed Feeding Flock
ML      Magpie-lark, Masked Lapwing, Musk Lorikeet
MLW     Masked Lapwing
MM      Michael Morcombe (field guide author)
MMC     Major Mitchell's Cockatoo
MMFF    Mini Mixed Feeding Flock
MO      Masked Owl
MP      Mulga Parrot

NF      Noisy Friarbird
NHHE    New Holland Honeyeater
NK      Nankeen Kestrel
NLA     NationalLibrary of Australia
NM      Noisy Miner
NNH     Nankeen Night Heron

OBO     Olive-backed Oriole
ONJ     (Australian) Owlet-nightjar
OW      Olive Whistler

PB      Pied Butcherbird
PBB     Pied Butcherbird
PBD     Pacific Black Duck
PBQ     Painted Button-quail
PC      Pied Currawong, Pallid Cuckoo, Pied Cormorant
PCL     Purple-crowned Lorikeet
PD      Peaceful Dove
PED     Pink-eared Duck
PF      Peregrine Falcon, Painted Firetail
PGP     Pacific Golden Plover
PHE     Painted Honeyeater
PK, P&K Pizzey and Knight (field guide)
PO      Powerful Owl
PR      Pink Robin
PS      Purple Swamphen
PSW     Purple Swamphen
PW      Plains-wanderer

RBE     Rainbow Bee-eater
RBF     Red-browed Finch
RBKF    Red-backed Kingfisher
RBT     Red-browed Treecreeper
RBTC    Red-browed Treecreeper
RCP     Red-capped Plover
RCR     Red-capped Robin
RF      Rufous Fantail, Restless Flycatcher
RG      Red Goshawk
RHE     Regent Honeyeater
RKD     Red-kneed Dotterel
RL      Rainbow Lorikeet
RNS     Red-necked Stint
RP      Richard's Pipit, Australian Pipit
RP      Rarities Panel
RR      Rose Robin
RRP     Red-rumped Parrot
RS      Rufous Songlark, Royal Spoonbill
RSL     Rufous Songlark
RTBC    Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo
RW      Red Wattlebird, Rufous Whistler, Rock Warbler
RWB     Red Wattlebird

SB      Satin Bowerbird, Southern Boobook, Singing Bushlark
SBB     Satin Bowerbird
SBC     Shining Bronze-Cuckoo
SBL     Scaly-breasted Lorikeet
SC      Spotless Crake, Spotted Crake  (hmmmm!)
SCC     Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
SCHE    Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
SD, S&D Simpson & Day (field guide)
SF      Satin Flycatcher
SFW     Superb Fairy-wren
SG      Silver Gull
SH      Swamp Harrier
SHE     Scarlet Honeyeater, Striped Honeyeater, Singing Honeyeater
SKF     Sacred Kingfisher
SL      Superb Lyrebird
SNI     Straw-necked Ibis
SP      Superb Parrot, Swift Parrot
SP      Sewerage Pond (as in Fyshwick SP)
SPP     Spotted Pardalote
SQ      Stubble Quail
SQT     Spotted Quail-thrush
SR      Scarlet Robin
ST      Striated Thornbill, Song Thrush
STB     Striated Thornbill
STD     Spotted Turtle-Dove
STK     Square-tailed Kite
STP     Striated Pardalote
STS     Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
SW      Speckled Warbler, Southern Whiteface

TCHE    Tawny-crowned Honeyeater
TD, T&D Taylor & Day (CB field guide)
TF      Tawny Frogmouth
TFM     Tawny Frogmouth
TM      Tree Martin
TP      Turquoise Parrot

VS      Varied Sittella

WBB     White-browed Babbler
WBCS    White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike
WBS     White-browed Scrubwren, White-backed Swallow
WBSE    White-bellied Sea-Eagle
WBSW    White-browed Scrubwren
WBW     White-browed Woodswallow
WBWS    White-browed Woodswallow
WD      (Australian) Wood Duck
WEHE    White-eared Honeyeater
WFC     White-fronted Chat
WFH     White-faced Heron
WFHE    White-fronted Honeyeater
WG      Western Gerygone
WHP     White-headed Pigeon
WI      White Ibis
WK      Whistling Kite
WNH     White-necked Heron
WNHE    White-naped Honeyeater
WP      Wonga Pigeon
WPHE    White-plumed Honeyeater
WS      Welcome Swallow
WT      Whiskered Tern
WTE     Wedge-tailed Eagle
WTG     White-throated Gerygone
WTN     White-throated Needletail, White-throated Nightjar
WTNJ    White-throated Nightjar
WTNT    White-throated Needletail
WTT     White-throated Treecreeper
WTTC    White-throated Treecreeper
WW      Willie Wagtail
WWC     White-winged Chough
WWT     White-winged Triller

YBS     Yellow-billed Spoonbill
YFHE    Yellow-faced Honeyeater
YR      Yellow Rosella, (Eastern) Yellow Robin
YRT     Yellow-rumped Thornbill
YRTB    Yellow-rumped Thornbill
YT      Yellow Thornbill
YTB     Yellow Thornbill
YTBC    Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
YTHE    Yellow-tufted Honeyeater
YTM     Yellow-throated Miner

ZF      Zebra Finch

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