Duncan, how close do your current binoculars focus? I'm under the impression
that it's not uncommon for 10x50 binoculars to have quite a long minimum focus
distance, perhaps because they're less commonly used by birders.
Peter Shute
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Birding-Aus On Behalf
> Of Duncan Cape
> Sent: Tuesday, 12 September 2017 10:47 AM
> To:
> Subject: **SPAM?** Re: [Birding-Aus] Binoculars
> Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> I purchased 10x50 Leitz binoculars 45 years ago. These have given, and
> continue to give, excellent service. However they have one annoying fault, in
> that they do not focus close enough. Recently at an excellent bird hide at
> Myall Park Botanic Garden nothing at the water source was in focus. I would
> like to obtain some new binoculars similar to the ones I have but with better
> close focus. Could anyone please advise?
> Duncan
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