Birdline North Queensland
Published sightings for the week ending 15 Dec 2013.
Fri 13 Dec
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Mungalla Station (Forrest Beach, Queensland)
Pair Eastern Yellow Wagtail on lower grazing area this morning. One dull white breasted, other blotchy yellow breast and belly. Much driving to relocate birds and get distant pictures of yellow breast bird after first spotting them.
Tony Ashton
Wed 11 Dec
White-winged Black Tern
Tyto Wetlands, Ingham
Observations made 7:10 AM - 8:40 AM.
White-winged Black Tern (4) hawking over main wetland.
2-3 also seen along Masters Road lagoons, Toobanna. Uncommon near Ingham.
Alexandra Canton
Mon 9 Dec
Common Sandpiper
Lake Evan,(Brady Road Swamp) Mareeba
Common Sandpiper (1) Foraging on muddy northern edge of swamp, first for this site recorded on Eremaea Birds..
Keith & Lindsay Fisher
Sun 17 Nov
Buff-breasted Paradise-Kingfisher
950metres above sea level, Mt Lewis
Apologies for this late posting - One adult bird (looked like a male) flew across road 10mtrs ahead of me when birding with Judy Leitch. As far as I'm aware this is the highest altitude for this species to be recorded on Mt Lewis. (Moderator Note:- There has been a few sightings at this altitude over the past 3-4 years, presumable adults moving through as there are no termite mounds for nesting in at this altitude).
Martin Cachard
| Birdline North Queensland is sponsored by BirdLife Northern Queensland and BirdLife Townsville and hosted by Eremaea Birds.