Birdline North Queensland
Published sightings for the week ending 27 Oct 2013.
Tue 22 Oct
Red-necked Phalarope
Lakefield National Park (White Lily Lagoon)
Single bird seen by 3 observers about 1100-1130 and then again at about 1600 hrs. Our initial attention was drawn to "the small bird paddling in circles" about 40m from the lagoon parking/viewing area. It was identified by its small size (smaller than Jacana), general white and grey colour, backswept black eye markings, straight thin black bill, obvious white wing bar in flight and paddling behaviour. The bird made several short erratic flights of about 20m allowing us to see its wing pattern. Several photos were taken but the distance and the size of the bird makes it difficult for good photo but does confirm id when seen in large format (i.e on TV screen). The bird was not located the next day despite 2 attempts, the addition of another observer (QPWS Ranger) and a spotting scope.
Anne Stokes, Chris Armstrong and Sarah Hafner
| Birdline North Queensland is sponsored by BirdLife Northern Queensland and BirdLife Townsville and hosted by Eremaea Birds.
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