Birdline ACT
Published sightings for the week ending 16 Dec 2012.
Sun 16 Dec
Channel-billed Cuckoo
Campbell Park
The unmistakeable flight call of a Channel-billed Cuckoo was heard this morning at approximately 0700, to the north of the triangular dam at Campbell Park.
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Alastair Smith
Thu 13 Dec
Spotted Crake, Spotless Crake and Baillons Crake
Kellys Swamp, Jerrabomberra Wetlands
All 3 species together in the 'swathe' by the Bittern Hide. Spotted and Baillons feeding in the open. Spotless ran across the gap.
Michael Maconachie
Tue 11 Dec
Glossy Ibis
Forde Pond
Following a report by Con Boekel on Canberrabirds email list, I duly found 1 Glossy Ibis on the roadside pond. I had also followed up the original report of a 'possible' Glossy Ibis on 2 December but without success on that occasion. 1 Latham's Snipe also present and 3 Superb Parrots flying over.
Frank Antram
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